photography is dead and I am not; please buy my work I need a money for living

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When photography was invented, it was enough just to make a picture, it was like a magic; later, it was enough to make a fine picture of a sky, knowing color grade and exposure nuances; now everybody is a photographer carrying smartphone everywhere.

So is photography dead; what does it mean to be photographer nowadays?

This projects aims to discuss this through a series of images, representing typical local gallery's catalog.

Is it enough to sell your work to be called a photographer or is it something more? Does photography just captures reality or does it create one? How does that relate to beauty? What is beauty? Is honesty and truth beautiful or ugly?

These are questions this project also explores.

And the answers mean to be find by the viewer.

Another part of this project is exploring contexts and how they impact final perception. Pictures have multiple layers of contexts, creating additional interplay.

Finally, through this work, the project seeks to understand the nature of modern art and photography.


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